
Our orientation activities are intended to provide secondary school students with all the information they need to make an informed and responsible choice of their future university course.

If you wish to know more about our courses through direct contact with the school, you are most welcome to visit us and to make an appointment to meet the head of Orientation.

For further information you can also phone us at the school or e-mail us at info@ssmlto.it



OPEN DAY at Vittoria is an opportunity for final year high school students to: learn about the study pathways of our undergraduate courses and our teaching programme; to visit our classrooms and language labs; to find out about eventual job opportunities; and to interact personally, asking questions, with course coordinators, teachers, and the students currently attending Vittoria. OPEN DAYS are held at the school, in Via delle Rosine 14, in Turin.


11 JULY 2024


Registration required


Students interviewing for admission to Vittoria may schedule an individual meeting with Professoressa Bianca Maria Petitti, the Director of Studies, and with the other members of the orientation staff, in order to receive full, detailed information on undergraduate courses, future employment opportunities, and the teaching programme.

These individual interviews with the orientation staff, in order to acquire information about the 2022-2023 academic year, will be held face-to-face. If requested, they can also take place on the TEAMS platform, by Zoom or telephone, with a prior appointment.

Admission requirements

Language Mediation

To be admitted to the School, the student must be in possession of a secondary school Diploma or other qualification obtained abroad and recognized as equivalent by the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research and documented by a declaration of validity. A sufficient level of competence in languages is also required.

Admission requirements are:

  • sufficient knowledge of at least one of the following foreign languages: French, English, Spanish, German, Italian (for foreign students) – the level required for admission is B1;
  • comprehension skills: the student must be able to correctly understand the meaning of a text in a foreign language, to write a summary of and to answer questions about text content;
  • proficiency in morpho-syntactic and lexical aspects of Italian and an appropriate level of general education.

To enrol, students must be in possession of the above requirements and sit the entry test, prior to the course. The test is used only to orientate the students not as a selection tool. It consists of written and oral sections aimed at assessing the language skills and aptitudes of the candidates.


To enrol at the “Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Vittoria” for an undergraduate course, students are required to pay a tuition fee for the 2022/2023 academic year of   € 4,900.00 plus the regional government tax allowing access to university studies (“diritto allo studio universitario”).

There are several options enabling payment of fees in instalments

For further information please contact the School Office by phone at: +39 011 889870, or by email at info@ssmlto.it.

The Department for Universities of Piedmont, E.D.I.SU. (Ente per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario) is able to offer student grants, which are awarded on the basis of the family income/size and academic achievements of the student applicant (from a ranked list established by the Region).

Open Day

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